Junge Frau mit Grossmutter Junge Frau mit Grossmutter


Healthcare professionals often become more involved than other professional groups in the care of their sick, disabled or elderly relatives. These are the findings of organisational surveys conducted by Careum Research and international research literature. One reason for this is that healthcare professionals already have specific expertise relating to their relatives. This can be helpful. However, it can also be worrying, for example, having background knowledge of the prognosis for a disease. This dual role is known internationally as “double-duty caregiving”. This means that healthcare professionals are involved, both professionally and privately, in caring for dependants.

Little is known about the interrelationship between these professional and private commitments. It is therefore unclear how many healthcare professionals in Switzerland are assuming the dual role described. There has also been little research so far into the consequences for private and professional life. If the people concerned do not manage to reconcile their work with caring for their relatives, there may be a potential threat of them leaving their professional activities prematurely. Against the background of the predicted skills shortage in healthcare, organisations therefore need to face the issue of reconciliation.


The project is aimed at the following effects in healthcare:

  • employees improve the quality of care as a result of increased motivation and commitment
  • increasing labour costs are avoided and the impending skills shortage is mitigated as a result of reduced staff turnover
  • increasing appeal on the job market by improving the image of the Organisation

As part of the research project, the first step was to interview the healthcare professionals concerned, to better understand the dual role. The second step was to investigate the extent of the dual role using the “double duty caregiving scale”, provided by Canadian researchers at the University of Western Ontario. Findings are being used to develop a transfer concept with organisations, to enable good applications in practice.


July 2015–December 2017


Bischofberger, I., & Jähnke, A. (2014). Double-Duty Caregiving. Präsentation an der Tagung der Fachstelle für Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann des Kantons Zürich, 07.07.2014. PDF

Bischofberger, I., Jähnke, A., & Radvanszky, A. (2012). Neue Herausforderung: berufstätig sein und Angehörige pflegen: Double-Duty Caregiving. Competence, 76 (10), 28–29. PDF

Jähnke, A. (2017). Ein Balanceakt? Als Gesundheitsfachperson eigene Angehörige pflegen. Onkologiepflege, (2), 13–14.

Jähnke, A. (2017). Als Gesundheitsfachperson eigene Angehörige pflegen – ein Balanceakt? 19. Schweizer Onkologiepflegekongress. Onkologiepflege Schweiz. Bern, 23.03.2017.

Jähnke, A. (2017). Gesundheitsfachpersonen als pflegende Angehörige – Forschung mit und für die Praxis. 8. internationaler wissenschaftlicher Kongress für angewandte Pflege- und Gesundheitsforschung, Universität. Forschungswelten 2017. Trier, 02.03.2017.

Jähnke, A. (2016). Wenn Gesundheitsfachpersonen auch pflegende Angehörige sind – und dies auf Distanz. Impulsreferat. Abendveranstaltung zum internationalen Tag der Familie. Careum Weiterbildung. Aarau, 18.05.2016.

Jähnke, A., & Bischofberger, I. (2015). Vereinbarkeit von Erwerbstätigkeit und Angehörigenpflege: Zwei Seiten einer Medaille? Seitenblick – Bulletin von SBK+pflegezürich, (1), 9. PDF

Liebert-Keller, Y., Jähnke, A., Käppeli, A. & Bischofberger, I. (2017). Gesundheitsfachpersonen als Angehörige – eine wichtige Stütze im Alter. 57. Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie und Gerontologie. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geriatrie und Gerontologie. Wien, 21.04.2017. [Nach Call for Abstracts]

Liebert-Keller, Y., Jähnke, A., Käppeli, A. & Bischofberger, I. (2017). Health professionals as family caregivers. Invaluable navigators in the health care system. SAMW-Symposium. Bern, 01.03.2017. [Nach Call for Abstracts] Poster

Ward-Griffin, C. (2008). Health Professionals Caring for Aging Relatives: Negotiating the Public-Private Boundary. In A. Martin-Matthews & J. E. Phillips (Eds.), Aging and Caring at the Intersection of Work and Home Life. Blurring the Boundaries (pp. 1–20). New York: Psychology Press.
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