Frau im Rollstuhl mit Partner in der Natur Frau im Rollstuhl mit Partner in der Natur


In cases of chronic disease progression, family members providing care are often in contact with professionals providing care to their relatives as an inpatient, outpatient or at home. There is considerable need for cooperation and coordination for relatives providing care, particularly when they are working. The research project “work & care 2” investigated the interfaces between the professional and family care system.


Careum Research conducted an in-depth study, entitled “Reconciling work and care in the context of institutional care” with three partners in the Aarau area. The Barmelweid Clinic, the Lindenfeld Geriatric Centre and the Aargau Cancer League provided the opportunity to investigate the situation of working people who were caring for relatives in the context of the progression of various diseases. These organisations also provided an insight into interactions between health professionals and relatives providing care in three different care settings. All three organisations were interested in the research data and the further development of a relative-friendly organisation.

The findings of the subsequent study enabled services for working relatives and for the care institutions involved to be improved or redeveloped. These services can also be used by the practice partner organisations. On the subject of “work & care”, presentations were given and discussions were held on family and healthcare policy, which increased awareness of the issue. In the volume entitled “Who Cares? Pflege und Solidarität in der alternden Gesellschaft” (Who Cares? Care and solidarity in the ageing society), published by the Swiss Red Cross, there was an article in spring 2013, entitled “Berufstätigkeit und Angehörigenpflege vereinbaren” (Reconciling work with caring for relatives), which brings together and provides an overall presentation of findings.


May 2010–February 2013


“Our patients' relatives are important for us in both treatment and care. We can also see even greater potential for improvement, which we want to address by cooperating with the research project. We are happy to support the research team and provide the empirical site for its research.”

Hillevi Zimmerli, Care Service, Manuela Genner, Care Managerin,

Logo Barmelweid Klinik


“We are committed to this project because we believe it is important to better understand the difficulties affecting relatives, so that we can provide them with more specific support. We also consider it is very important for the employer to provide the employees concerned at Lindenfeld with the necessary support in these situations. We hope to be able to develop greater mutual understanding.”

Thomas Holliger, Director, Sven Egger, Training and Professional Development, Deputy Care Service,

Logo Lindenfeld


“People with cancer are often looked after by their relatives, who are pushed to their limits in the face of this burden. The Aargau Cancer League is pleased to be working on developing approaches to better reconcile work with providing care to family members, not least because the people concerned, their relatives, employers and society as a whole stand to benefit.”

Christine Honegger, Manager, Jeanette Schmid, Social Counselling,

Krebsliga Aargau



Bischofberger, I., Radvanszky, A., van Holten, K., & Jähnke, A. (2013). Berufstätigkeit und Angehörigenpflege vereinbaren. In Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (Hrsg.), Who Cares? Pflege und Solidarität in der alternden Gesellschaft (S. 162–184). Zürich: Seismo.

Bischofberger, I. (2012). Erwerbstätige pflegende Angehörige - drei zentrale Handlungsfelder. Soziale Sicherheit CHSS, (1), 6-8. PDF

Bischofberger, I. (2012). work & care: Die Unternehmen sind gefordert. Care Management, 5 (4), 23-25. PDF

Bischofberger, I., Jähnke, A., & Radvanszky, A. (2012). Neue Herausforderung: berufstätig sein und Angehörige pflegen: Double Duty Caregiving. Competence, 76 (10), 28-29. PDF

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