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People (19)

Prof. Dr. Christian Fichter

Sozial- und Wirtschaftspsychologe. Forschungsleiter der Kalaidos FH und Leiter des Instituts für Wirtschaftspsychologie. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte: Konsumpsychologie, Image, Mobilität.

Applied Psychology | Behavioural Economics | Business Psychology | Consumer Psychology | Industrial Psychology | Nudging | Organisational Psychology | Psychology | Psychology of Learning | Research

Dr. Toni Gähwiler

Dozent Mastersemester für Personal- und Führungspsychologie

Applied Psychology | Business Psychology | Corporate Culture | Human Resource Development | Human Resource Management | Industrial Psychology | Leadership | Organisational Psychology | Psychology | Team Building | Team Spirit

Denise Gianotti

Bsc in Business Administration mit Vertiefung Wirtschaftspsychologie

Business Psychology | Industrial Psychology | Psychology

Dr. Ingrid Giel


Dozentin für New Work, Wahrnehmung & Aufmerksamkeit, Coaching

Business Psychology | Communication | Conflict Management | Diversity | Human Resource Management | Industrial Psychology | Leadership | Perception | Psychology | Team Building | Team Spirit

Tashi Gumbatshang

Dozent für Wirtschaftspsychologie

Applied Psychology | Banking | Behavioural Economics | Business Administration | Business Psychology | Industrial Psychology | Market Research | Organisational Psychology | Psychology

Dr. phil. Simone Inversini

Business Psychology | Change Management | Industrial Psychology | Organisational Psychology | Psychology

Nicola Jacobshagen

Dozentin BSc Wirtschaftspsychologie

Artificial Intelligence | Behavioural Economics | Business Psychology | Digitalization | Industrial Psychology | Organisational Psychology | Psychology

Prof. Dr. Jasmin Joecks

Tätig am Institut für Wirtschaftspsychologie

Business Psychology | Industrial Psychology | Perception | Psychology

Dr. Christina Klöckner Cronauer


Dozentin Sozialpsychologie, Motivation, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie

Applied Psychology | Business Psychology | Industrial Psychology | Organisational Psychology | Psychology

Valeria Korner

Programm Managerin IDL

Business Management | Business Psychology | Digitalization | Industrial Psychology | Psychology | Strategic Management

Dr. Maika Lange

Studiengangsleiterin Masterprogramme und Fernstudium an der Kalaidos FH

Business Management | Business Psychology | Digitalization | Industrial Psychology | Marketing | Psychology | Strategic Management | Supply Chain Management

Stefan Marti

Dipl. Phil. II, freiberuflicher Organisationsberater und Coach bso

Business Management | Business Psychology | Change Management | Coaching | Human Resource Development | Human Resource Management | Industrial Psychology | Leadership | Organisational Psychology | Organizational Development | Psychology

Prof. Dr. Noémi Nagy

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin der Kalaidos FH, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologin (MSc Universität Zürich, Promotion Universität Bern), forscht zu den Themen Karriereentwicklung, Proaktivität am Arbeitsplatz, Assessment und subjektives Altern

Business Psychology | Human Resource Management | Industrial Psychology | Leadership | Perception | Psychology

Katja Schwedhelm

Programme Director

Tätig am Institut für Wirtschaftspsychologie (IWP)

Business Psychology | Change Management | Industrial Psychology | Organisational Psychology | Organizational Development | Psychology | Sustainability

Iva Sedlak

Dozentin am Departement Wirtschaft

Applied Psychology | Business Psychology | Consumer Psychology | Economy | Human Resource Management | Industrial Psychology | Leadership | Market Research | Organisational Psychology | Organizational Development | Psychology

Dr. Yasemin Tahris


Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologin

Business Psychology | Digitalization | Human Resource Management | Industrial Psychology | Organisational Psychology | Psychology

Remo van Zutphen

HR Specialist

Business Psychology | Industrial Psychology | Organisational Psychology | Psychology | Team Spirit

Regula von Büren

Leiterin Themenfeld Bildung Beisheim Stiftung

Business Psychology | Consumer Psychology | Digitalization | Human Resource Management | Industrial Psychology | Mental Health | Psychology | Psychology | Psychology | Sustainability

Anna-Christine Wetterling

Autorin Kalaidos Blog

Business Psychology | Emotions | Industrial Psychology | Organisational Psychology | Psychology | Team Spirit | Values
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