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People (4)

Elena Alder

MSc, Junior Researcher im Forschungsprogramm «Young Carers» an der Careum Hochschule Gesundheit

Age | Chronically Ill | Health | Home Care | Nursing | Research

Prof. Dr. Jörg Haslbeck

Prorektor Lehre, Fachbereich Gesundheit

Age | Case Management | Chronically Ill | Health | Home Care | Nursing | Nursing Science

Dr. phil. Milena Svec Goetschi

Leitung Kommunikation Careum Hochschule Gesundheit

Age | Communication | Health | Home Care | Marketing | Nursing

Dr. scient. med. Elke Wimmer

Programme Director

MHSc, cand. Dr. phil., Studiengangsleiterin Oncological Care, Home Care, CT-Hyprid Technik

Age | Case Management | Chronically Ill | Health | Home Care | Nursing | Nursing Science | Oncological Care | Oncological Care
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