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Hoher Praxisbezug
Praxis- und transferorientiertes Studium: Themen aus der eigenen Praxis können bearbeitet werden
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Erfahrene Dozierende
Dozierende aus der Praxis mit fundierter fachlicher, methodischer und didaktischer Kompetenz

Mastering scientific thinking and working

In this module you will learn the intricacies of scientific thinking and working. Key aspects such as objectivity, use of reliable sources, gaining a comprehensive overview of the state of research, and mastering correct formulation and citation are central. The module will provide you with basic skills and guidance on how to use research literature correctly and successfully throughout your study. 
This three day course is held in English.

Practical application of evidence-based practices in healthcare

Healthcare that meets quality standards and is well organised requires research-based knowledge. In order to make valid statements about the necessity and effectiveness of various activities (diagnostics, therapy, intervention), health professionals at university level rely on scientifically collected data. In this context, the critical examination of scientifically generated knowledge is of central importance. The module enables students to independently research scientific literature and to analyse the results according to scientific quality criteria. The module is thus a central foundation of the module. The focus is on the application and transfer of the results to your own professional practice.

Learning Outcomes/Competencies

You will be able to

  • understand and explain the principles of quantitative and qualitative research.
  • conduct a comprehensive literature search in a conscientious and focused manner.
  • analyse research articles based on scientific quality criteria and critically evaluate their validity.
  • evaluate research results with regard to their relevance for practice.
  • formulate texts according to scientific standards, cite and referee sources correctly.

Module Content

  • Scientific paradigms and their significance for nursing and medicine
  • Research process in overview and in detail
  • Formulation of a research question
  • Literature research: search strategies and important databases
  • Study designs and quality criteria of qualitative and quantitative research
  • Data collection methods and data analysis
  • Presentation of research results
  • Sources of error and limitations in research papers
  • Levels of evidence and evidence base
  • Scientific writing and presentation of sources in texts and bibliography

Teaching and Learning Methods

Keynote lectures, working through current case studies, discussion sessions, student case presentation, guided independent study. 

Proof of Performance

Written work 


  • Access to the practice field of healthcare
  • Knowledge of scientific work


  • Abgeschlossenes Fachhochschul- oder Universitätsstudium
  • Abschluss der höheren Berufsbildung und ausreichend Berufserfahrung in einem für die Weiterbildung relevanten Berufsfeld sowie angemessene wissenschaftliche Kenntnisse
  • Ausserordentliche Zulassung: individuelle Prüfung durch die Zulassungskommission
  • Zugang zu relevantem Berufsfeld

Weitere Zulassungswege und detaillierte Informationen zu den Zulassungsvoraussetzungen finden Sie auf der Informationsseite des Fachbereichs Gesundheit.

Module Code


Module Order

 It is recommended to attend the module at the beginning of the studies, since the skills in scientific work and writing acquired here are the foundations of all certificates of achievement. 

Study Time/ECTS

150 hours, 5 ECTS credits
24 hours of classroom instruction and 126 hours of guided self-study 

Teaching Language


Logo Careum Hochschule Gesundheit Gloriastrasse 18a
8006 Zürich
Christian Conrad

Christian Conrad

Zum Profil
Alter | Chronisch krank | Gesundheit | Nursing | Rehabilitation Care - Rehabilitationspflege | Wound Care
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Caroline Hofmann

Caroline Hofmann

Zum Profil
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