From 3 - 6 May 2021, the 3rd International Young Carers Conference will take place, this time online. In short video sequences, Prof. Dr. Agnes Leu informs what it would like to say to young carers and political decision-makers.

The theme of the conference is: «Identify», «Support» und «Listen to Young Carers».

The conference is committed to the principles of co-creation: No meaningful discussion about Young Carers can take place without their active participation.
It reflects on concrete measures that are needed to enable children and young people with support needs to develop their full potential.- Switzerland is also represented at the five-day conference with five presentations and a chair: Prof. Dr. Agnes Leu and her research team from the Careum University of Applied Sciences Health have been researching the topic for several years and report on current research results.

The conference is aimed at people from research and practice as well as political decision-makers. Current or former young carers are also cordially invited to attend the conference and share their experiences if they so wish.



Based on your experience, why is it important for young carers to be identified?
Based on your work with young carers, what helps to make a difference in the lives of young carers ?
What do you want to say to young carers across the world?
What is your key message to policy makers and decision makers listening?
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