The first rule of gamification is: you don't talk about gamification.

Discussions about gamified workforce training in the age of digitalization.

Am 23.03 um 18:00 Uhr werden die Themen Industrie und Forschung gekonnt zu einem einzigartigen internationalen, immersiven Event -auch in Virtual Reality- vereint.

Als Moderator wird Fabrizio Palmas (Technologische Kompetenzcenterleitung am Kompetenzcenter New Learning) den schwedischen Gamification "guru" Adam Palmquist* als Gast empfangen. Dabei warten spannende Tipps, Tricks und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten aus dem Bereich Gamification auf die Zuschauer und -hörer.

Immersive Technologien als Chance für Ihr Unternehmen

*Informationen zu unserem Gast Adam Palmquist

Adam Palmquist is an industrial PhDc in Applied IT at Gothenburg University and works as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) at the Swedish Gamification company Insert Coin. Palmquist has a background in learning and (analogue) game design. He is an author of several books addressing the intersection of design, technology, and learning. He wrote “Det speliferierade klassrummet” - (A gamified learning environment) in 2017, the first comprehensive book on gamification and learning in Swedish. Since then, he has authored two additional books covering game-based learning, “Motiverande Undervisning” (Engaged Instruction), explaining how to use gameful design in an analogue classroom, and “The Automation Game Master” introducing a novel research-based framework and practice of gamified change management in the digital era.

Adam has worked as a gamification expert and advisor for several international companies in the production industry. He is currently working as a scientific gamification advisor assisting Europe’s largest mining company in their transaction to sustainable mining. His PhD-project is a collaboration between Gothenburg University and Insert Coin, concerning Gamified the World ENgine (GWEN), a unique system-agnostic gamification API built to democratize gamification. Palmquist describes his interdisciplinary project within Human-Computer Interaction, Socio-Technical Information Systems, and Design Science.


Technologische Kompetenzcenterleitung und Studiengangsleiter
Fabrizio Palmas

Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Palmas

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Digitalisierung | Innovationsmanagement | Strategisches Management
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