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Promoting self-help and the active participation of people with psychiatric experience across all levels of health care is something that has been required for some time now. Those concerned should take on a diverse range of roles in this process, for example in the education of those in health professions, in public relations work or as a “peer worker” in direct care. This participation aims to improve the quality of psychosocial offers, by taking greater account of the concerns of those concerned and helping break down social stigma, whilst also enabling people with psychiatric experience to participate in a meaningful way and one that is profitable for the community.

As part of a project promoted by the European Leonardo da Vinci Programme, a curriculum (EX IN Experienced Involvement) was established to give people with psychiatric experience the right kind of qualifications. The advanced training course gives people with psychiatric experience the opportunity to reflect on their own experience and adopt methodologies and background knowledge that will enable them to work as an employee in psychiatric services, as a lecturer or in any other related role. In order to make this possible in Switzerland too, the training was taken over by the EX IN association and adapted to the Swiss context.


Careum Research evaluates this advanced training and addresses the following questions:

  • What kind of profile do the participants have in terms of their sociodemographic background and their history of illness and treatment?
  • Do their state of health, recovery focus, resistance to stigma, self-monitoring, self-efficacy and hope change over the course of their participation in the advanced training?
  • What career prospects do the participants develop during the advanced training?

Methodical approach

The evaluation combines quantitative and qualitative survey methods. The written surveys take place before the advanced training, upon its completion and a year later. These are supplemented with a guided group interview with the participants at the end of the advanced training.

Project team

Careum Research: Anna Hegedüs


April 2017–July 2018


Hegedüs, A. (2017) Evaluation «Recovery Fundamente» und «Peer Qualifikation» 2015–2016. Schlussbericht für die Pro Mente Sana, die Psychiatrischen Dienste Aargau und das Psychiatrie-Zentrum Linthgebiet. Download

Hegedüs, Anna; Seidel, Elena; Steinauer, Regine (2016): Participants' employment status and experiences in the year after the Experienced Involvement training. In: The International journal of social psychiatry 62 (3), S. 214–220. DOI: 10.1177/0020764015623969.

Hegedüs, Anna; Zanoni, Sylvie; Bischofberger, Iren (2016): Patienten und Angehörige wirken mit. Experten durch Erfahrung. In: NOVAcura 47 (10), S. 36–38. DOI: 10.1024/1662-9027/a000065.

Hegedüs, A., Bachnick, S., & Steinauer, R. (2014). Neue Erkenntnisse aus EX-IN Weiterbildungen in der Schweiz: Evaluation der zwei Studiengänge an der Fachhochschule. In S. Hahn, A. Hegedüs, U. Finklenburg, I. Needham, H. Stefan, M. Schulz & S. Schoppmann (Eds.), «Schwellen, Grenzen und Übergänge». Perspektiven und Herausforderungen für Betroffene, Angehörige, im Versorgungssystem, in der Forschung und Entwicklung, in der Gesellschaft. (pp. 67–71). Bern: Forschung & Entwicklung / Dienstleistung Pflege, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Berner Fachhochschule.

Hegedüs, Anna; Steinauer, Regine (2013): Die Evaluation des Weiterbildungsstudiengangs Experienced Involvement in Bern. In: Christian Burr, Michael Schulz, Andrea Winter und Gianfranco Zuaboni (Hg.): Recovery in der Praxis. Voraussetzungen, Interventionen, Projekte. 1. Aufl. Köln: Psychiatrie Verlag GmbH, S. 204–217.

Hegedüs, A., & Steinauer, R. (2013). Auswirkungen der EX-IN Weiterbildung auf die Studierenden und ihre berufliche Situation. In S. Hahn, M. Schulz, S. Schoppmann, I. Needham, H. Stefan, A. Hegedüs & U. Finklenburg (Eds.), «Blick zurück und nach vorn». Zurückgehen um besser springen zu können. 10 Jahre Praxis, Management, Ausbildung und Forschung (pp. 130–135). Bern: Berner Fachhochschule, Fachbereich Gesundheit, Forschung & Entwicklung / Dienstleistung Pflege.
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