Mann im Rollstuhl steigt selbstständig ins Auto Mann im Rollstuhl steigt selbstständig ins Auto


Services for support and care at home are often not extensively available in Switzerland. The long-term financing of these services can also be difficult. Since 2012, the assistance contribution for disability insurance has given people the opportunity to contribute towards day-to-day care and support. In addition to this, a transnational labour market has arisen in Switzerland in the area of caring for people in need of help and support in their own home. It is primarily women coming to Switzerland from abroad who work as care migrants in private homes for people in need of care, most of whom also have a live-in arrangement. These are two new developments in long-term domestic care being seen in Switzerland.


People with spinal paralysis have presumably developed quite different solutions to organise their need for help in day-to-day life. This is the starting point for the project. With the support of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation, an investigation was conducted into the experiences and strategies of people with spinal paralysis on the subject of domestic care and support. Issues of interest here include the organisation of the support services required and also how these are financed.


November 2014–summer 2016

Project team

Project management: Karin van Holten, lic. phil., Research Assistant Careum Research
Project cooperation: Prisca Stucki-Thür, cand. MScN, Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Department of Health Science


Jähnke, A., & van Holten, K. (2013). Care-Migration: verschiedene Akteure im Privathaushalt. NOVAcura, 44 (9), 32-35. doi:10.1024/1662-9027/a000034 / Volltext

Jähnke, A., van Holten, K., & Bischofberger, I. (2012). Schlussbericht zur Befragung der Spitex zur Situation in Privathaushalten mit Care-Migrantinnen. Zürich: Careum Stiftung. PDF

Soom Amman, E., & van Holten, K. (2013). Getting Old Here and There: Opportunities and Pitfalls of Transnational Care Arrangements. Transnational Social Review, 3 (1), 31-47. doi:10.1080/21931674.2013.10820746

Soom Ammann, E., & van Holten, K. (2013). Migration und Alter: Hier und dort. In Passagen – Forschungskreis Migration und Geschlecht (Hrsg.), Vielfältig alltäglich. Migration und Geschlecht in der Schweiz (S. 236-269). Zürich: Seismo.

van Holten, K., Jähnke, A., & Bischofberger, I. (2013). Care-Migration – transnationale Sorgearrangements im Privathaushalt (Obsan Bericht 57). Neuchâtel: Schweizerisches Gesundheitsobservatorium. Volltext

van Holten, K., & Bischofberger, I. (2012). Globalisierung im Privathaushalt. NOVAcura, 43 (4), 45-47. doi:10.1024/1662-9027/a000019 / Volltext

van Holten, K. (2011). Ein zweischneidiges Schwert. Care Management, 4 (6), 20-23. PDF

van Holten, K., & Soom Ammann, E. (2015). Negotiating the potato: The challenge of dealing with multiple diversities in elderly care. In V. Horn & C. Schweppe (Hrsg.), Transnational Aging. Current insights and future challenges (S. 200–217). London: Routledge. Verlag

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