Pflegende Angehoerige, alter Mann Pflegende Angehoerige, alter Mann


Relatives, who provide care for their family members, frequently are in an active working life. This situation potentially creates major challenges for concerned employees, as well as for employers. Although good practice examples are known, there is a lack of reliable quantitative information on measures that are implanted by companies to facilitate the combination of work & care.

The focus of this research project that examines work and care measures in companies throughout Switzerland lies on the solutions that are established and the concerns that still remain on certain models. It aims to identify factors that are responsible for the implantation of support measures. In addition it will be questioned if the issue of combining work & care responsibilities plays a significant role within companies and how relevant information is communicated. The objective is to recognize which support employers need to develop, evaluate and establish certain measures.

Project team

Büro für arbeits- und sozialpolitische Studien (BASS) (Lead): Melania Rudin, Heidi Stutz und Kilian Künzi
Careum Research: Prof. Dr. Iren Bischofberger


Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), support programme “relief offers for relatives providing care”


July 2017–February 2019

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