Grossmutter und Enkelin Grossmutter und Enkelin


The situation in Switzerland regarding children, adolescents and young adults under the age of 25 providing care constitutes a research gap. Little is known about the number of children, adolescents and young adults providing care, or about the type and extent of their responsibilities and the impact that these are having. Nor has there been any research into the needs of young people with a caring role, or their families. There is also little awareness of their situation.


The first sub project as part of the “Young Carers” research programme has been running since January 2015. As part of a qualitative study, an investigation is being conducted into the nature and intensity of care, the journey into care and the socio-economic and demographic factors of children, adolescents and young adults providing care, and their families. The perspective of professionals, who may be able to prevent and raise awareness of the issue in their field of activity, is also being investigated.

Based on the findings, a specific tool is being developed as part of the second sub project to support professionals working in healthcare and social services (e.g. GPs, A&E departments, agencies for the protection of children and adults). This sub project gives professionals the opportunity to recognise the signs of children and young people providing care and to respond appropriately. Professional associations also stand to benefit from this practical tool. This practical tool will be the first in a range of other tools, also available to education services, as a result of additional third-party funding.

Interviewees required
Flyer (german) from Careum Research calling for children and young people providing care to come forward to talk about their experiences and responsibilities.

Sub project 1

Qualitative survey with affected children, adolescents and young adults, as well as professionals
Duration: January 2015–August 2016
Project management: Prof. Dr. iur. Agnes Leu
Funding: Ebnet Foundation

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Sub project 2

Development of a practical tool for healthcare
Duration: January 2015–August 2016
Project management: Prof. Dr. iur. Agnes Leu
Funding: Ebnet Foundation

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Logo Careum Hochschule Gesundheit


Gloriastrasse 18a
8006 Zürich
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