
A seminar usually takes place over a day or a weekend on a specific topic. Seminars can be combined to form a CAS.

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

CAS are part-time continuing education courses for which at least 10 ECTS credits must be earned. A CAS course is completed with a certificate.

Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)

DAS are part-time continuing education courses for which at least 30 ECTS credits must be obtained. A DAS course is completed with a diploma.

Master of Advanced Studies (MAS)

MAS are postgraduate Master's programmes and comprise at least 60 ECTS credits. An MAS course is completed with a Master's diploma.

Kalaidos University of Music

Jungholzstrasse 43
8050 Zurich

At the moment, the Kalaidos University of Music offers the following further education courses:

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